Kudalasangama - Near Aihole

At a distance of 35 kms from Aihole, Kudalasangama is a popular pilgrimage site in Bagalkot district at the confluence of Krishna and Malaprabha Rivers.

Kudalasangama is famous for 850 years old Sangameswara temple, known as Kudala Sangameswara dedicated to Lord Shiva. Built in 12th century, the temple is situated on the banks of Krishna River and it was renovated several times. The temple is constructed in Dravidian style with large temple tower at the entrance, followed by main temple with a porch, navaranga and sanctum. The door frame of the garbhagriha is richly carved with floral designs and animal figures.

In front of the temple, in the midst of the river, is a small stone mandapa with a Shivalinga in it, and lofty cement concrete dry well has been built around it to protect it from submersion. The sikhara of the temple is a typical South Indian style structure. The temple has inscriptions dating back to 1160 AD and 1213 AD.

This place is also associated with famous saint Vishwaguru Basavanna, a great devotee of Lord Shiva and the founder of powerful Lingayat faith. His samadhi is at Kudalasangama.

Other places of interest in Kudalasangama include Campus of the Basava Dharma Peetha, a Sabha Bhavana with 6000 seating capacity, Basava Gopura - a 200 feet tall symmetrical tower and Museum with collection of sculptures related to .

The famous Almatti Dam is located at a distance of 15 kms from Koodalasangama.
